Franco Michienzi - Director of Barche magazine

“Calm in action. As a waterfall becomes slower and lighter as it plunges, so the great man of action will act with greater calm than could be expected from his violent desire before the deed” these are Frederich Nietzsche’s words. We borrow these words to introduce more questions. Don’t you need to slow down? To think, do, live slower? We do everything faster and we have always less time in our hands, we became unhappier and we use to smile so rarely. Think about the mechanisms that regolate the physical pleasure, where everything works better with a slower pace. When you love yourself furiously, the pleasure is in the game, in transgression. It could be a very strong pleasure and experience, it would be wonderful. But, this excitement tends to decrease… speed is fascinating but it doesn’t lead you far along the pleasure way. Our brain, our feelings mechanisms need to go slow to offer their best performances.
If I am focused on a rapid movement, I need to spend a lot of energy to controll my motions. On the contrary, moving as a snail I can deeply feel the sensations. And not only…with lazy movements I force my brain to decrease the rhythm. The more my brain waves are large and slow, the more the brain capacity of feeling the sensations improves.
It is a quite unknown concept in our culture. But the perceptions can increase or decrease according to the actions we carry through and to the work rhythm that we impose to our mind.
Are not the things you do that must become excessive to revive your interest. It is the ability to listen, which has to grow. Speed is great but doesn’t let you get far, if you own a vessel with a 300 miles fuel capacity, your chances to discover the world are so limited.
With a boat of 6000 miles fuel capacity, the situation is very different, the world opens its doors to you and you only have to choose what you want to see. With a steel hull and a very well designed bottom, the sea doesn’t scare you anymore, you are always sure to go back to shore, but, you might not be so sure you will want to do it…the magic of the sea and of the slow navigation will kidnap you for ever.