Vasco Buonpensiere - Sales and Marketing Director
I am glad to introduce this first issue of the CDM Buletin which will bring to all of you a taste of the Cantiere delle Marche world into your email inboxes every 60 days from now on. We have been thinking lengthly about how to transmit properly our vision, our mission, our values and approach to boatbuilding to all the ones who have been following us with interest and curiosity since our start up only 18 months ago.
As usual, we tried to think out of the box, trying to avoid those beaten paths which are very often misleading when you want to achieve something special and meaningful. In a few words, even when thinking about this newsletter, we didn’t want to betray what Charles Darwin said about the importance of adapting ourselves to the changes of the world in order to succeed (survive). So, we wanted to make something different, something more adherent to what today’s market is looking for: something sober, real, solidly connected to the actual soul of Cantiere delle Marche, without being too self referential.
That’s why we structured this CDM Buletin as a window on our world. A window through which you all will be able to get in touch with the ones who design our Vessels, the ones who build them, the ones who work behind the scenes to make things happen. What I consider even more important, through this window you will also have a feeling of what the most relevant people, for a shipyard like ours, think and experience with us: Clients, Captains and Surveyors. We all receive a lot of newsletter, we read a great number of Yachting magazines, we browse many websites but we very rarely read Clients, Captains and Surveyors points of view in them.Here at Cantiere delle Marche we strongly believe that these Gentlemen are the real fulcre around which our world is built and that’s why we decided to let them express their thoughts with regard to their experience in working with us.
I hope that giving to you this opportunity - looking at a shipyard from different and unusual angles - will encounter your appreciation and that you will soon start looking forward to receiving the following number of our CDM Buletin! It goes without saying that we would be more than happy if, reading this Buletin, you will decide to write us your point of view: it is not important if it is going to be directly connected with Cantiere delle Marche, the Darwin Class or the Nauta Air Vessels. What is important is that - whatever you will feel like writing - will be about the World of Real Yachting: the World in which Cantiere delle Marche feels like home.
Yours Sincerly
Vasco Buonpensiere