Deck fittings foreman
I trust my heart, my head and my hands.
How did you come to work for Cantiere delle Marche? I was about 17 years old when I began working for the Cecchini family, founders of Cantiere delle Marche. Since then I have worked exclusively as a carpenter and outfitter for boats of all types, size, and purpose. It is a profession in which experience, often handed down by men of few words but of enormous knowledge, must be absorbed one day at a time, with huge passion and constancy. The complexities of the different typologies of sea craft, designs, and owners and the need to transform them into a vessel have given me the know-how that only those who recognize it know that it is the absolute requirement for working in a top level shipyard such as this one.
How many years’ experience are necessary in order to become the head outfitter for a ship? In order to be a foreman – a good one –of ship outfitting, you need to have as much experience as possible on many different boats built for different purposes. What the Cecchini family allowed me to do, in fact, is work on passenger boats, chemical and gas tankers, fishing boats, and large yachts. From working on all of these different types of projects the experience gained would be hard to find anywhere else. Twenty years is the minimum amount of time needed in order to be able to take on this job with authority and confidence. But in practice, every boat we build reminds us that... you never stop learning!
What is your team like and how important are the people in carrying out a quality shipbuilding project? In our work, in which the head and hands of those who physically do the work are absolutely fundamental, the people and the quality of these people is essential. I have the good fortune to work with builders who have over 15 years’ experience, on average; they are people I know I can trust, not only for the proper execution of the work, but also and above all, for their propensity to be proactive and their aptitude for problem-solving no matter what happens. Depending on what outfitting phase we are working on, my team is made up of anywhere from 10 to 60 people.