Michele Santini - Production Manager
Cantiere delle Marche is giving me the chance to live a strong and enviable professional experience as production manager here at the shipyard. I have been working in the naval world for almost two decades, with the Cecchini family following the construction of several kind of ships, from fishing motorboats, ocean going tug and tow boats, to liquefied gas tankers.
We have been working hard with quality and reliability to build praisewhorty ships and thanks to that complex and structured reality I could end up that period of my career with an incredible wealth of technical skills. Now at CDM I’m glad to have the opportunity to spend and share my knowledge and furthermore, to improve it, facing new challenges everyday with seriousness and commitment. In fact, not expert people might think that now, here at CDM, motoryachts costruction processes are easier, seen the reduced dimensions, but I can ensure that nothing is different from this wonderful yachts and the ships I was concurring to build in terms of complexity and engineering!
Together with my new “crew”, we take care of every single detail, and my position allows me to live both the design, engineering and the production phases living one hundred percent of the shipbuilding experience. It is not as easy as it may sound, obviously, but I have to say that the most important thing I have learnt here at CDM is that when you have a committed and passionate team working with you, from the owners to the last worker, and everybody loves what they do and they are proud of wearing those shirts with the CDM logo on them… nothing is impossible and quality is the natural result.
The aforesaid applies also to our technical partners, suppliers and subcontractors: I really have to thank all of them for the flexibility, the understanding and the efforts they are doing to let us do our job properly, trying to offer the best solutions to fully meet the shipowner’s needs at our best. There is no doubt that without the help of all of our partners it would be impossible to schedule and maintain a detailed master plan, respecting all of our deadlines, as we are doing on every project under construction.
As you probably can understand reading these words (and I am sure the other articles of this Buletin), here at CDM ‘Passion and Commitment’ are the key words. I am proud to be part of this family, and I am even more proud to see that our clients spend time at the yard with a big smile in their face from the moment they arrive and see their boat under construction to the moment they leave already talking about the next visit. And from one visit to the other, with the help of all the staff here at Cantiere delle Marche and our partners who always back me up, I’ll keep doing my job at the best so to let that smile shine again on their face when they will be back!!! This is more rewarding than everything else, this is the key factor of our job: building special products for the satisfaction of very special people.
That’s why I always say: ‘a shipyard is not comparable to any other industry: there is more heart, passion, dedicaton and direct reward and satisfaction for the ones who work in it than anywhere else’! Every single vessel or ship we build is a newborn, for me. When the bottle is crashed against it, during the launch, I feel that finally, its heart starts bitting…a new life begins, that’s amazing!