Luca Mastrogiovanni - Captain of M/Y Noga

Let’s talk about the first contact with Cantiere delle Marche: who has decided to investigate this new shipyard, you or your Principal? At the end of 2011 I was collecting preliminary informations about few shipyards on behalf of my Owner. When I got in touch with CdM I was already at a further step in our choosing process: CdM and other two shipyards in Europe met the criterias of design, type of construction, layout desired from my German Owner. Time to see and touch!
Can you tell us about yout first visit at the Shipyard? What were your first feelings and how did you find the CdM approach to you as a client’s representative? I have been in Ancona early February 2012. Beutiful and new facility, generous technical spaces, everything clean and tyde. But there was more behind the first sight. Something that fused these elements together and added an extra value. I realized it as soon as we left the conference room to go in the working area among the workers, the hulls, the steel and the tools: the general atmosphere created by men not only knowing what they are doing, but doing it with passion. Everybody at CdM is involved and committed, from workers to managers, for the same result: a great product.
How would you summarize, instead, the first visit with your principal in Ancona? It was just a confirmation of what I personally witnessed a couple of months before. Their capacity to listen, understand and elaborate a solution, meeting the Owner’s and Captain’ needs was clear to us since the beginning, and for sure has been the crucial point that made my Owner choose to build its next Yacht at CdM.
Seen the positive experience during the first steps into the decision process for both you and the client, how did CdM cope with the specification discussion, and how did you find the technical team approach to it? If I had to summarize in one word the feeling about this project, I would say partnership. In order to better explain this concept, let me just stress the fact that we worked both on specs and design like we have never seen before in shipyards building boats of this size. The technical team has listened to us attentively, trying to satisfy all of our needs, with only one fixed parameter: they would have never accepted choices which would jeopardize the overall quality of the project and the build. As far as the design is concerned, we appreciated the same approach from Mario and Massimo at nauta: it is enough to say that both internally that externally the Nauta Air 80 has been radically changed: the Yacht my principal bought is in fact a… Nauta Air 88!
Which are the main features which appealed both of you (on different aspects obviously) about the Nauta Air 88? On the technical aspect, I have ben immediately caught by the comprehensive standard specs proposed by the yard: no hidden extras, a lot of redundancy and overengineering. The changes I asked - and have been accepted - are mainly related to personal likings due to my former experiences. For the owner, the main features which brought to the final decision are defintely the dimension of the fly bridge (more than 65 square metres), the volumes, the in-and-out feeling thank to the huge windows and the contemporary exterior lines which are so elegant that, in ten years time, will still look beautiful.
Now that CdM is starting to assembling the Hull of the vessel which you will captain in 18 motnhs time, which are your feelings and your expectations? We will see the hull completed in a few months. It’s just exciting to know that all aspects of this new build will be characterized by a real personal touch, and to start working with such a unique team. I have already started talking with all the relevant people involved, from Giorgione who will take care of the engine room, to Turi, Luca, Domenico, Massimo (such an experienced chief of the technical department!) and I know that we will definitely have a good and profitable time together. I expect from them what I actually already know they will do: building the highest quality in an enjoyable working atmosphere, as it has been already confirmed to me by the captains and surveyors who have already taken delivery of their Yachts at CdM.
Dear Luca, it is almost Christmas time: what would you ask to CdM as a wish to become true from here to the Delivery of the Nauta Air 88? That’s easy: I wish that the team at CdM will keep on doing their job the way they have done on the former vessels. In a few words: the best quality I have had the possibility to witness in the last years of my professional experience!