Sandro Santini - Captain of M/Y Stella di Mare

You are a captain with great experience, also in the fields of surveillance and test processes: can you tell us something about your CDM Experience, concerning both the pre-delivery and delivery phases? My CDM experience has been wonderful. Yes, wonderful, because this is the first shipyard - among the several ones I have seen surveying and delivering yachts, ships and tug boats - which is so extremely clean and tidy. Throughout the day and after the working hours, you can easily see the attentive care for order and tidiness. Whatever is happening on board, for example, you won’t find even in the bilges any filings or wood shavings. Tidiness, cleanliness, professionalism and respect for the working environment are key words at CDM. Obviously it is not only about that. It is also about the attitude of the whole team at the yard, from the owners and managers to the workers. Since the first moment, we have been welcomed with an evident willingness to work together with us with a unique common target: building the best vessel possible for the owners. I can say that was love at first sight: we both liked each other from the beginning and this I think has been part of the secret of such a quality build. Another quite impressive characteristic which I noticed from day one was the responsiveness of the staff: for each question I made, I have always received complete and fulfilling answers. And immediately after something was discussed and agreed: immediate action. Sometimes on the same day! Their cooperation has been extreme and profitable. This experience has enriched me on both professional and human levels.
Cantiere Delle Marche boasts a reputation based on excellent marine qualities of its yachts: which are your impressions after having done the acceptance sea trials with the darwin 96, that is, moreover, a brand new model for the shipyard? And what is your impression after the first two months of cruising in Italy, Greece and Croatia? The vision of the boat under construction impressed me since the first days. I could immediately see that the design of the hull was clearly the one of a seaworthy and manouvreable vessel. Those first thoughts in September 2012 have been totally confirmed by the seatrials. Stella di Mare is a “soft” yacht, not yelding or rough. Incredibly stable even without the stabilizers on. Considering the engines, she has a good “sprint”reaching with no efforts more than 13.5 knots. She easily crash-stops and her manoeuvres are so soft and precise in spite of the volume and the dimension of the Yacht. You can place her wherever you want in whichever conditions and this – for me – is great. I strongly believe that she is already giving us miles and miles of pleasant and safe cruises in complete comfort independently from the sea state outside. Having more than 11 tons of water ballast is another feature which I love, which allows me to trim the boat when tanks are not full, depending on the sea state etc: this is definitely not something you normally find in this size of vessels!
We have seen several images of the engine rooms and cdm is also well-known for his particular attention and quality of this important part of its own yachts: which is your honest opinion about what you have seen and tested on M/Y Stella di Mare, and what has impressed you the most? The engine room is a piece of art. There has not been one persone entering it without being amazed by the finishing and the tidiness of the lay out. It has been designed and built by people who know what needs to be done inside it: everything is reachable, maintainable and cleanable with no effort. The dimension of the engine room and the lazzarette are incredibly generous and with full height, which make it an enjoyable working space, indeed. Moreover, everything is kept simple and user friendly, and for a captain like me, used to have the cooperation of chief engineers, this aspect is very important. Again, I have to speak highly about the ones who materially realized this: They have transferred to me all their knowledge and experience daily, they have made me feel at ease even if there were things I wasn’t getting at first instance, and they have given to me such a confidence in what I am now managing. There is no doubt: I’m sure that if I should need any help from them, once far from Ancona, across the seas with Stella di Mare, they will surely be always at my side, like guardian angels. Grazie Michele, Turi, Luca, Giorgione and all the others who partecipate to this!
The boats built by Cantiere Delle Marche are definitely made for travelling and they invite to travel always more and more miles: tell us about “Stella di Mare" cruising plan for 2013 season. We have already spent about two months in Croatia, Venice, Trieste and we are now cruising the greek islands, using marinas only if requested by the owners. In August and September we will reach the Eolians Islands, Sardinia, Corsica and finally we will be attending the Festival de la Plaisance in Cannes to show to all the yacht lovers what a Darwin Class is all about!. After that, we will visit Capri, Dalmazia and Istria, to end the trip in Venice again in October.
As usual, we would conclude with the question we make to all those who have taken part to this buletin: describe CDM with three adjectives. Serious, professional and generous friends. In my opinion, I can resume with just one word: PASSION!!